Digestive Health Promotion - Nutritional Supplements

Digestive symptoms are extremely common in women and men. Women tend to suffer with irritable bowel symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea, while men tend to suffer with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Fill up the gut with pro-inflammatory foods is not a wise daily choice for people with gastrointestinal symptoms. Accordingly, an anti-inflammatory diet is a positive choice.

For the digestive organs and tissues to be healthy, they require the same anti-inflammatory nutrients as the rest of the body. Therefore, the Basic and Advanced Health Promotion supplements are also beneficial for the gut.

In recent years, more and more research is demonstrating the gut health can be improved by supplementing with probiotics.

Buy now: Digestive Health Promotion

Dr Seaman’s work in area of pain and inflammation has been cited by researchers at Harvard University, the CDC, and other universities in America and abroad.

If you have any further queries about Digestive Health, You can contact us at: Anti Inflammatory Supplements

Bone Health Promotion- Nutritional Supplements

Bone health is a misunderstood topic. When people think about bone health, they focus extensively on calcium and little on anything else. This is a mistake. Bone should be viewed as a multifunctional organ, and like other organs and systems, bone health is substantially impacted by chronic inflammation.

The best way to promote bone health from a nutritional perspective is to eat anti-inflammatory as described in The DeFlame Diet book and to take either the Basic or Advanced Health Program supplements.

An additional supplement that may be especially beneficial for bone is microcrystalline hydroxyapatitie calcium (MCH-Cal), which is found in Osatate-Calcium Complex. MCH-Cal is thought to be the best calcium supplement for bone health as it is derived from whole bone and contains an organic and inorganic component.

Buy now: http://www.deflame.com/bone-health/

If you have any further queries about Bone Health, You can contact us at: Anti Inflammatory Supplements

The Deflame Diet: DeFlame your diet, body, and mind

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The DeFlame Diet is about eating anti-inflammatory foods and diets to turn off the chronic disease-promoting "flame" created by pro-inflammatory foods.

This is the first nutrition book for the general public that delves into inflammation in great detail, yet in a fashion that is understandable.

Readers will never be confused again about what foods we should and should not be eating.

Buy now: Nutrition Diet | Diet Book

Dr. David Seaman is a Professor of Clinical Sciences in the Chiropractic Medicine program at National University of Health Sciences in Pinellas Park, Fl. He work in area of pain and inflammation has been cited by researchers at Harvard University, the CDC, and other universities in America and abroad.

DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements was started by Dr. David Seaman, the first person to author a scientific paper that specifically hypothesized that diets can be pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory.

Dr. Seaman coined the term "DeFlame" as a simple educational tool to help better understand the benefits of replacing pro-inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory vegetables, fruit, nuts, and roots/tubers. He first identified that diet promotes inflammation based on research published in the 1970s and 1980s. Most have only begun to see this relationship in recent years. In contrast, Dr Seaman has written multiple articles and chapters on this topic over the past 25 years.

For more information, Visit: Anti Inflammatory Diet | Anti Inflammatory Supplements

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