Bone Health Promotion | healthcare supplements ormond beach florida

1. The anti-inflammatory diet (see The DeFlame Diet book) 
2. Supplements
a. Osatate-Calcium Complex
b. Osatate-Calcium Complex and Basic Health Program
c. Osatate-Calcium Complex and Advanced Health Program 
Bone health is a misunderstood topic. When people think about bone health, they focus extensively on calcium and little on anything else. This is a mistake. Bone should be viewed as a multifunctional organ, and like other organs and systems, bone health is substantially impacted by chronic inflammation.
The best way to promote bone health from a nutritional perspective is to eat anti-inflammatory as described in The DeFlame Diet book and to take either the Basic or Advanced Health Program supplements.
An additional supplement that may be especially beneficial for bone is microcrystalline hydroxyapatitie calcium (MCH-Cal), which is found in Osatate-Calcium Complex.
MCH-Cal is thought to be the best calcium supplement for bone health as it is derived from whole bone and contains an organic and inorganic component. You can link to the Osatate-Calcium Complex page for more information.
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Skin Health Promotion - DeFlame Programs | nutritional supplements florida

1. The anti-inflammatory diet (see The DeFlame Diet book) 

2. Supplement options
a. Basic Health Program
b. Advanced Health Program

The term "skin health" can conjure up television commercials for various creams and lotions that are applied to the skin to make the skin healthy. In fact, most important to skin health is probably what we eat. While this may come as surprise, scientific articles discuss this relationship.

The diet and supplements discussed in these 2 articles are the same as found in The DeFlame Diet. In other words, there are no specific skin supplements, so the Basic and Advanced Health Programs of supplements are the best option along with an anti-inflammatory diet.

Immune system: anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory functions| DeFlaming Supplements

Immune system: anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory functions

The immune system has important pro- and anti-inflammatory functions that are lost with obesity and hyperglycemia. The goal should be to normalize immune function rather than boost, strengthens, support, etc., which suggests that the immune system is weakened. A weak immune system could not create the cytokine storm that can kill people with flu or coronavirus infections...we want to DeFlame and normalize immune function.

Why the second wave of coronavirus panic and lockdown is coming this fall | DeFlame Enterprise

Why the second wave of coronavirus panic and lockdown is coming this fall.........

Americans are making poor health choices during the coronavirus lockdown. This will potentially lead to a perpetuation of the infection crisis this fall, which will then perpetuate more panic and lockdown.

Glucosamine/ Chondroitin - Nutritional Supplements | Anabolic Supplements

Three capsules per day of Glucosamine/Chondroitin provides 1500 mg of glucosamine sulfate and 1200 mg of chrondroitin sulfate. We offer a one month supply (90 capsules) or a two month supply (180 capsules).

Glucosamine/Chrondroitin research

Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are sugar-like molecules that are found in joints and other connective tissues, such as tendons, cartilage, and spinal discs. Glucosamine/chondroitin supplements have anti-inflammatory properties and they are also the building blocks for larger joint molecules known as proteoglycans.

The function of proteoglycans is to help maintain appropriate joint space so that bones do not rub together. Glucosamine/chondroitin has been most studied in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. In these studies, there were no dietary or supplement changes, save for the addition of glucosamine/chondroitin. Surprisingly, subjects who took glucosamine/chondroitin had less pain and better joint space maintenance compared with those taking placebo. This was demonstrated when glucosamine was used in a 2-year study.

This is why only supplements from Anabolic Laboratories are offered by
Will glucosamine/chondroitin help you? There is no way to definitively say yes or no. We do know for sure that we no longer get glucosamine/chondroitin and other connective tissues in the diet. We used to get connective tissues when bone was used to cook soups and stews.

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Blood Sugar Health Promotion - DeFlame Programs | healthcare supplements ormond beach florida

1. The anti-inflammatory diet (see The DeFlame Diet book) 

2. Supplement options
a. Basic Health Program
b. Advanced Health Program

Approximately 45% of adults aged 50 and older have the metabolic syndrome X, a blood sugar handling disorder. So, it is not surprising that a wide variety of supplements are promoted as beneficial for blood sugar regulation; primarily for the metabolic syndrome X and type 2 diabetes.
The mistake that is commonly made is thinking that supplements will correct the blood sugar problem. It is also a mistake to think that medications will correct blood sugar problems and cure metabolic syndrome X and diabetes.
Nearly every individual with metabolic syndrome X or type 2 diabetes is overweight or obese. And so an anti-inflammatory diet and daily exercise are the foundation to promote proper blood sugar regulation. The goal should be to get to body weight we had in either high school or college, before body fat accumulation began.
Interestingly, studies with various supplements have demonstrated that each of the following are beneficial for blood sugar health: magnesium, vitamin D, fish oil, CoQ10, and anti-inflammatory botanicals/spices. This means that in addition to a DeFlaming diet and exercises, the Basic or Advanced Health Promotion supplements are useful.
If you are currently medicated for blood sugar problems, make sure to speak with your doctor and explain that you are planning to DeFlame yourself. Your doctor will likely speak with you about more regular and at-home blood sugar monitoring. 

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Drs Rosa And Seaman Write A Chapter In Jack Canfield’s New Book

As most people know, there is an opioid crisis in America. Not well known is that opioids have been one of the most common prescribed medications in America for several decades.
My friend and colleague Dr. John Rosa is an opioid crisis expert and functions as a White House Surrogate/Consultant and a Law Enforcement Consultant (Homeland Security, DOJ, DEA). He was asked by Jack Canfield’s people to write a chapter for Jack’s new book to be released in early 2019 entitled The Recipe for Success. As I have spent many years writing about pain and inflammation, he invited me to coauthor the chapter with him.
If you like the chapter and interview, you are welcome to share them on social media or however you choose.

Stop Your Joints, Muscles, And Bones From Rotting | Joint Health Promotion deflame programs,

In this book, you will learn that all of these conditions are promoted by the same pro-inflammatory diet, which means that The DeFlame Diet should be applied to all of these conditions. TheDeFlame Diet can be vegan, omnivore, and even carnivore. This means that the goal of any diet should be to normalize inflammatory markers, which halts the biological rotting process. By embracing The DeFlame Diet concept, you can free yourself from all of the dietary dogma that pervades the diet industry and clouds the minds of most people.

Simply stated, the average American’s diet is pro-inflammatory for one main reason, and that is the over-consumption of refined sugar, flour, and oils. Shockingly, these pro-inflammatory calories represent almost 60% of all the calories consumed by Americans. No one should be surprised that this level of pro-inflammatory calories is the cause of heart disease. What perplexes most people is that the pro-inflammatory chemistry of heart disease is identical to the pro-inflammatory chemistry of chronic pain, depression, obesity, osteoarthritis, tendinosis, osteoporosis, disc herniation, and degenerated muscles.

Get More Info : Stop Your Joints, Muscles, And Bones From Rotting 

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Factual Errors About Heart Disease In What The Health? And The Game Changers

If What the Health? and The Game Changers focused on the benefits of eating more vegetation, they could have been legit documentaries. I have written for a long time that we can be healthy, or DeFlamed as I call it, by eating a vegan or omnivore diet. I personally favor an omnivore diet that is mostly free of refined sugar, flour, and oils, which deliver absolutely no nutritional benefit and when consumed in excess, these refined calories promote obesity and chronic inflammatory states, such as the metabolic syndrome. As opposed to promoting veganism as a healthy option, both «fiction» movies took a radicalized vegan stance and blamed meat for all or our current ills. When people take a radical stance, they tend to make serious factual errors in their presentation of information, which is quite obvious when it comes to heart disease.

Atherosclerosis refers to plaque formation in arteries, which can cause strokes, heart attacks, and peripheral artery disease that makes walking painful. Before scientists got their acts together, they thought and taught that lipids build up on top of endothelial cells to occlude the lumen of the artery to impede blood flow. We also now know that only oxidized LDL cholesterol is involved with atherosclerosis. And the «build-up» of lipid that does occur, happens because immune cells called macrophages accumulate in the artery wall and gobble up all the oxidized LDL cholesterol. In other words, the artery narrowing that does occur is largely due to the accumulation of lipid-laden macrophages called foam cells. I outlined this process in my new book The DeFlame Diet to Stop Your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting.

Get More Info : Factual Errors About Heart Disease In What The Health? And The Game Changers

Watch YouTube Video : The Game changer went full tropic Thunder

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How Women Pursue And Achieve Breast Cancer With Their Diets Without Knowing It | Breast Health Book

A key substance that inhibits BRCA is called prostaglandin E2 , which comes from a dietary omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid. We get arachidonic acid directly in grain-fed animals, which includes, meat, chicken, and fish. The human body also makes arachidonic acid from linoleic acid, which is another dietary omega-6 fatty acid. Linoleic acid is found in the many omega-6 oils, including those from corn, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, peanuts, and soybeans.

You should know that PGE2 has many functions, and without PGE2 we could not live. The problem is when we make too much PGE2, which is the case for the average American. We eat too much arachidonic acid in grain-fed meat, chicken, and fish, and we eat too much of the omega-6 oils, which leads to too much PGE2 in the body. PGE2 has many pro-inflammatory functions, one of which is the inhibition of BRCA.

One of the key actions of NSAIDs is to inhibit the enzyme that converts dietary arachidonic acid into PGE2. This means we have far too much arachidonic acid in our bodies.

Get More Info : How Women Pursue And Achieve Breast Cancer With Their Diets Without Knowing It

Watch YouTube video : How does Diet Causes Breast cancer

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Clinical Omega-3 | Nutritional Supplements | Health Promotion

Molecularly distilled, concentrated EPA/DHA fish oil sourced from cold water Norwegian fish. A 1200 mg fish oil softgel containing 360 mg EPA and 240 mg DHA. Also includes a natural mix of tocopherols for additional antioxidant protection and orange oil for a pleasant flavor. Molecular distillation process ensures that no pesticides, PCBs or heavy metals are present.

Benefits of taking Clinical Omega 3 EPA/DHA

EPA/DHA are acronyms for eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, respectively. Whenever an animal eats vegetation/foliage, the body converts alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) into EPA and DHA. Most people have heard or read about omega-3 fatty acids; ALA, EPA, and DHA are the famous omega-3s (n-3 and n-6 are the abbreviation for omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, respectively). Fresh wild fish are the best sources of omega-3s and most supermarkets brands will indicate on the label if they are wild caught or farmed - best sources of omega-3s are wild caught.
Dr. Artemis Simopoulos is probably the most well known researcher in the field of omega-3 fatty acids. One of her excellent review articles is available (2), and it should be read to gain a great depth of information. At the bottom of this page you will notice that the two papers referenced on this page are available as free full texts from the publishers.

We typically think of eating n-6 and n-3 fatty acids in the context of their ratio within a given food. The general goal is to eat a diet that leads to an overall ratio that is below 4:1. The "ideal" goal is to eat a 1:1 ratio of n-6:n-3 fatty acids. We can approach this ratio by eating in the fashion discussed in The DeFlame Diet. Here are lists of foods with Anti-inflammatory and Pro-inflammatory ratios (3-5).

Get More Detail : Clinical Omega-3 | Nutritional Supplements 

How boosting the immune system can KILL you | DeFlame Enterprise

A boosted immune system is an inflamed immune system, which can lead to complications and death when exposed to an internal or external bacterial or viral challenge.

Vitamin D and autoimmunity: new aetiological and therapeutic considerations Vitamin D is frequently prescribed by rheumatalogists to prevent and treat asteoporosis......

Natural Iodine | Nutritional Supplements | DeFlame Enterprise


Kelp is naturally a rich source of nutrients, especially iodine. A healthy thyroid requires iodine to function properly. It utilizes iodine to manufacture the hormone thyroxine which supports metabolism. Our kelp supplement provides a vegetarian source of iodine. Current research also show iodine’s benefit for breast health.

Iodine research

In the United States the average intake of iodine is estimated to be 166-209 mcg/day, while in Japan 5280 mcg is ingested on a daily basis (1,2). More recently, it was estimated that Japanese take in 1000-3000 mcg/day (3). There is no known toxicity among Japanese with this supposedly “high” level of intake, and it appears to render Japanese women more resistant to breast cancer and fibrocystic disease expression (1). It appears that a supposedly “high” level of iodine is quite healthy:
"Japanese iodine intake from seaweed is linked to health benefits not seen in cultures with dissimilar diets. Knowing how much iodine the Japanese consume daily is beneficial for people who wish to consume equivalent amounts of iodine or seaweed supplements while avoiding excessive amounts that may adversely affect health” (3).
Despite the fact that the Japanese may consume up to 3000 mcg or more per day, without side-effects other than better health, we are condition to fear such “normal” levels. From Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, one of the nutrition bibles in the Unites States we are given the following recommendations for iodine intake (4):

  • Women 150 mcg/d 1,100 mcg/d (upper limit = UL)
  • Men 150 mcg/d 1,100 mcg/d (UL)
  • Pregnancy 220 mcg/d 1,100 mcg/d (UL)
  • Lactation 290 mcg/d 1,100 mcg/d (UL)
Get More Info : Natural Iodine

DeFlame Diet | healthcare supplements ormond beach florida

Dr. Seaman coined the term "DeFlame" as a simple educational tool to help better understand the benefits of replacing pro-inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory vegetables, fruit, nuts, and roots/tubers. He first identified that diet promotes inflammation based on research published in the 1970s and 1980s. Most have only begun to see this relationship in recent years. In contrast, Dr Seaman has written multiple articles and chapters on this topic over the past 25 years. 
The DeFlame Diet is about eating anti-inflammatory foods to turn off the chronic disease-promoting "flame" created by pro-inflammatory foods. This is the first nutrition book for the general public that delves into inflammation in great detail, yet in a fashion that is understandable. Readers will never be confused again about what foods we should and should not be eating.
Watch Youtube Video : The Deflame Diet- Basic
Get More Info : Deflame Diet

Prostana | health promotion consultants florida | DeFlame Enterprise

1 capsule taken twice per day provides all the botanicals that have been linked to prostate health. Such botanicals have been identified throughout the world in different cultures and they are provided in a single supplement. 

Basic information

The botanicals/herbs in Prostana have a long history of use in various cultures. They were/are used most commonly to improve urinary tract symptoms caused by prostate hypertrophy/hyperplasia. That is, the prostate tends to enlarge as men age, which can lead to urinary tract symptoms.

Throughout the world, cultures have learned to use herbs as tonics, and these differed depending on the region. In the context of prostate health, multiple botanicals have been used and they are included in Prostana.
The fact that various botanicals demonstrate clinical benefits in prostate health for the inflamed modern man is strong support for their use. However, we should not forget that botanicals/herbs were historically taken by active native people who ate properly – the people were not sedentary, spending most of their time indoors, and they were NOT chronically inflamed by pizza, fast food, and desserts – this is a hint for us in modern societies. If we want botanicals to be most helpful, we need to adopt an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

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Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know | Anti Inflammatory Diet Books

  Dieting is only one part of the weight management picture. Most important is learning about the obesogenic environment in which we all liv...