Breast Health Book | Breast Health promotion consultants Florida

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, most women actually pursue breast cancer expression without knowing it. The DeFlame Diet for Breast Health and Cancer Prevention outlines the common pro-inflammatory dietary factors that promote breast cancer, which should be eliminated from the diet, along with strategies for DeFlaming your body. A DeFlamed body is at less risk for developing all chronic diseases, including breast cancer.
Get More Info : Breast Health Book

Watch Youtube Video : How your diet causes Breast Cancer

The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting

Chronic inflammation is a popular topic today, but do people really understand what it is? The answer is... NO.

Chronic inflammation is a low-grade, non-healing state that over time leads to tissue and organ degeneration. In common language, this means that your body is literally “rotting." This book outlines the biological rotting process as it occurs in body fat, arteries, joints, muscles, tendons, bones, and the nervous system, which leads to chronic pain, heart attacks, and depression.

The reason for framing chronic inflammation as a state of “biological rotting” is because people incorrectly believe that chronic inflammation is something that can be reduced with medications or supplements, or by eating specific “so-called” anti-inflammatory foods, without otherwise addressing the underlying causes. The primary causes of biologic rotting are sedentary living, a lack of sleep, mental/emotional stressors, and a pro-inflammatory diet.

This new DeFlame book focuses on how a pro-inflammatory diet causes the body to rot. The primary pro-inflammatory culprit is the overconsumption of refined sugar, flour, and oil, which amounts to almost 60% of the calories for many people. The result is chronic inflammation, which increases with weight gain that leads to obesity and the manifestation of the pro-inflammatory metabolic syndrome, which causes joints, muscles, tendons, bones, spinal discs, and the nervous system to chronically rot and never heal.

Get More Info : The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting

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Digestive Health Promotion | DeFlame Enterprise

1. The anti-inflammatory diet (see The DeFlame Diet book) 
2. Supplement options:

a. Probiotic Complete
b. Probiotic Complete and Basic Health Program
c. Advanced Health Program (contains Probiotic Complete)

Digestive symptoms are extremely common in women and men. Women tend to suffer with irritable bowel symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea, while men tend to suffer with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Fill up the gut with pro-inflammatory foods is not a wise daily choice for people with gastrointestinal symptoms. Accordingly, an anti-inflammatory diet is a positive choice. 
For the digestive organs and tissues to be healthy, they require the same anti-inflammatory nutrients as the rest of the body. Therefore, the Basic and Advanced Health Programs are also beneficial for the gut.

In recent years, more and more research is demonstrating the gut health can be improved by supplementing with probiotics. 

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Cardiovascular Health Promotion | DeFlaming Supplements

1. The anti-inflammatory diet (see The DeFlame Diet book) 
2. Supplement options:

a. Basic Health Program
b. Advanced Health Promotion

There are many cardiovascular conditions from which people suffer, most of which are caused by chronic inflammation, including atherosclerotic-induced heart attacks, peripheral artery disease, erectile dysfunction, and hypertension. Back pain can also be promoted by atherosclerosis of the arteries that feed the spine.

The use of aspirin (salicylates) by patients demonstrates the inflammatory nature of cardiovascular disease. Interestingly, vegetables and fruit contain low doses of salicylates, and these foods are recommended by the American Heart Association for heart health. Clearly, a DeFlaming diet is beneficial for heart health. 

Regarding supplements, magnesium, fish oil, vitamin D, botanical/spices, and coenzyme Q10 are all known to offer cardiovascular health benefits via their anti-inflammatory actions. So the best supplements for cardiovascular health promotion are included in the Basic and Advanced Health Promotion programs.

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How to protect yourself against the DEADLY Coronavirus | health promotion consultants florida

People who are "pre-flamed" are far more likely to develop severe complications and death from the coronavirus. It is important to know that the same fact holds true for the seasonal flu. I did this video to reduce the stress and anxiety that is emerging in the population from the drama-filled news reports about the coronavirus, which are lacking the proper context that people need to understand their risk status.

Obesity increases coronavirus severity | Deflame Enterprise

It is a problem that we are not being told by our news outlets that obesity increases coronavirus severity. The same holds true for obesity and the severity of the annual flu virus, which is also never explained to us by our various news outlets. Why is this? I cannot say for sure, but I do know that reducing disease expression is not in the best interest of Big Pharma as it is called.

Calories Matter – If You Want To Avoid Obesity | DeFlaming Supplements

In recent years, many people have been convinced that counting calories is not necessary if you want to lose weight and then manage your weight properly. We get about 4 calories for every gram of carbohydrate and protein we consume. In contrast, we get about 9 calories for every gram of fat consumed. Whenever we exceed our caloric needs, the body stores the excess calories as fat in specialized cells called adipocytes, which are more commonly known as fat cells.

We must exceed our caloric needs in order for fat cells to accumulate stored fat calories. These excess calories most commonly come from «foods» made with sugar and flour as they make up about 40% of the total caloric intake of the average American. Excess calories from sugar and flour raise blood levels of glucose, which then gets converted into fat that stored in fat cells. Another 20% of calories come from refined seed/legume oils made from corn, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, soy, and peanut.

Excess calories from these oils are also stored in fat cells. Very few people, if any, over-consume protein calories. We are primarily fat because we eat too many processed food calories made from sugar, flour, and refined oils – the excess calories from these so-called «foods» is why we are fat. I could actually develop these diseases if I chronically overate olive oil calories as my only high-calorie activity.

In other words, calories matter, when they are consumed in excess of caloric needs. So, whether I was to consume a low-fat vegan diet or a high-fat Eskimo diet, I would become obese if I consumed excess calories. This means we all need to first eat calories at level that is appropriate to achieve normal weight, and then maintain a caloric level that prevents us from gaining weight. It turns out that eating less calories from carbohydrate and more from fat actually helps to improve metabolism.

Low carbohydrate, high fat diet contained 12% of calories from carbohydrate, 28% from protein, and 59% from fat. This study clearly demonstrates that calories do matter.

Get More Info : Calories Matter – If You Want To Avoid Obesity

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The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting | Deflame Enterprise

Chronic inflammation is a popular topic today, but do people really understand what it is? The answer is... NO.

Chronic inflammation is a low-grade, non-healing state that over time leads to tissue and organ degeneration. In common language, this means that your body is literally “rotting." This book outlines the biological rotting process as it occurs in body fat, arteries, joints, muscles, tendons, bones, and the nervous system, which leads to chronic pain, heart attacks, and depression.

The reason for framing chronic inflammation as a state of “biological rotting” is because people incorrectly believe that chronic inflammation is something that can be reduced with medications or supplements, or by eating specific “so-called” anti-inflammatory foods, without otherwise addressing the underlying causes. The primary causes of biologic rotting are sedentary living, a lack of sleep, mental/emotional stressors, and a pro-inflammatory diet.

This new DeFlame book focuses on how a pro-inflammatory diet causes the body to rot. The primary pro-inflammatory culprit is the overconsumption of refined sugar, flour, and oil, which amounts to almost 60% of the calories for many people. The result is chronic inflammation, which increases with weight gain that leads to obesity and the manifestation of the pro-inflammatory metabolic syndrome, which causes joints, muscles, tendons, bones, spinal discs, and the nervous system to chronically rot and never heal.

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The Cumulative Nature Of Chronic Inflammation And What To Do About It

Acute inflammation typically occurs in response to a traumatic or infectious event. It manifests as redness, swelling, heat, and pain, which means that acute inflammation is noticeable and obvious. In contrast, chronic inflammation can be silent for years before manifesting as pain, depression and chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. This makes the cause-effect relationships of chronic inflammation to be less obvious than that for acute inflammation.

Our bodies produce inflammatory chemicals, such as cytokines, whenever the body is stressed. When the stressor is a bee sting, insect bite, or a sprained ankle, we suffer from an acute inflammation response that is obvious to us because the body produces large amounts of cytokines and other inflammatory chemicals to create redness, swelling, heat, and pain. It turns out that the same inflammatory chemicals are produced by the body when we live a pro-inflammatory lifestyle that is characterized by overeating pro-inflammatory calories, a lack of sleep, poorly management mental/emotional stressors, and sedentary living. The difference is that less cytokines and other chemicals are produced by these lifestyle issues compared to infections and sprains, so the inflammation response is not obvious – there is no redness, swelling, and heat.

This is a very problematic situation because it means that people can live a pro-inflammatory lifestyle for many years before pain, depression, and chronic diseases emerge. The video embedded in this blog, was designed to help people conceptualize the nature of lifestyle-induced chronic inflammation. Making matters worse is the fact that people tend to become habituated to their pro-inflammatory lifestyles, which causes people to resist engaging in a new anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Chapter 9 in the first DeFlame Diet book contains a chart of many easy-to-measure inflammatory markers that can and should be tracked.

Watch YouTube Video : Chronic Inflammation 

DeFlame Diet | Anti Inflammatory Program

Dr. Seaman coined the term "DeFlame" as a simple educational tool to help better understand the benefits of replacing pro-inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory vegetables, fruit, nuts, and roots/tubers. He first identified that diet promotes inflammation based on research published in the 1970s and 1980s. Most have only begun to see this relationship in recent years. In contrast, Dr Seaman has written multiple articles and chapters on this topic over the past 25 years. 
The DeFlame Diet is about eating anti-inflammatory foods to turn off the chronic disease-promoting "flame" created by pro-inflammatory foods. This is the first nutrition book for the general public that delves into inflammation in great detail, yet in a fashion that is understandable. Readers will never be confused again about what foods we should and should not be eating.
Watch YouTube Video : The Deflame Diet

Osteoarthritis Should Be Viewed As “Heart Disease” Of The Joints

The view we should take is as follows: osteoarthritis is “heart disease” of the joints and heart disease is “osteoarthritis” of arteries.
The difficulty that most have when considering this fact is that, to the naked eye, joints and arteries are very different structures. While that is true, it should not detract one from focusing on the chemistry of each condition, which is a shared state of chronic inflammation that is essentially identical.
It is generally known by many people that type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease. The reason for this is that diabetes is an inflammatory state, which predisposes one to develop related inflammatory diseases, such as heart disease. It is not well known, but equally factual, that people with diabetes are also more likely to develop osteoarthritis (1).
This relationship between diabetes and OA is obvious and becoming more well known, yet it is still difficult for many to conceptualize that OA is heart disease of joints. The fact that must be embraced is that if the inflammatory state of diabetes promotes both heart disease and OA, it means that they have similar causes and similar pro-inflammatory chemistry changes.

Obesity increases coronavirus severity | Health Promotion Consultants

It is a problem that we are not being told by our news outlets that obesity increases coronavirus severity. The same holds true for obesity and the severity of the annual flu virus, which is also never explained to us by our various news outlets. Why is this? I cannot say for sure, but I do know that reducing disease expression is not in the best interest of Big Pharma as it is called.

How to protect yourself against the DEADLY Coronavirus | Health promotion consultants florida

People who are "pre-flamed" are far more likely to develop severe complications and death from the coronavirus. It is important to know that the same fact holds true for the seasonal flu. I did this video to reduce the stress and anxiety that is emerging in the population from the drama-filled news reports about the coronavirus, which are lacking the proper context that people need to understand their risk status.

Watch YouTube Video : How to protect yourself against the DEADLY Coronavirus

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The ALL Meat Diet | Advanced Health Consultants

In a certain sector of society that is interested in diet, the “all meat” or “carnivore” diet has emerged as a fad diet that is both embraced and criticized. Not surprisingly, those that embrace and criticize the all meat diet, are missing a couple of key points that need to be understood.
Point 1 – For modern day people, it is difficult to conceptualize how difficult it was to acquire food in pre-modern times. For my entire life, handfuls of food have been readily available. The same holds true for my parents who grew up in the 1930s.
Before modern times, humans had to “exercise” for their food – foraging for vegetation or hunting animals of the land, water and air. If you were from the Arctic Circle, your food options would be entirely different compared to those living in Arizona, which would be different than those living in Florida, which would be different than those living in Peru, which would be different than those living in the Amazon, etc., etc., etc.

Watch YouTube Video : The ALL Meat Diet

Breast Health Book | Breast Health Promotion

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, most women actually pursue breast cancer expression without knowing it. The DeFlame Diet for Breast Health and Cancer Prevention outlines the common pro-inflammatory dietary factors that promote breast cancer, which should be eliminated from the diet, along with strategies for DeFlaming your body. A DeFlamed body is at less risk for developing all chronic diseases, including breast cancer.
Watch YouTube Video : Breast Health Book

Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know | Anti Inflammatory Diet Books

  Dieting is only one part of the weight management picture. Most important is learning about the obesogenic environment in which we all liv...