Game Changers went FULL Tropic Thunder (Part 2) - Brutal errors about heart disease

In Part 2 of The Game Changers went FULL Tropic Thunder, I describe how they completely screwed up the nature of atherosclerotic heart disease to create another fiction story. The only utility of The Game Changers is that it highlighted the benefits of eating more vegetation...and they should have stopped there.

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The DeFlame Diet to Stop your Joints, Muscles, and Bones from Rotting

Chronic inflammation is a popular topic today, but do people really understand what it is? The answer is... NO.

Chronic inflammation is a low-grade, non-healing state that over time leads to tissue and organ degeneration. In common language, this means that your body is literally “rotting." This book outlines the biological rotting process as it occurs in body fat, arteries, joints, muscles, tendons, bones, and the nervous system, which leads to chronic pain, heart attacks, and depression.

The reason for framing chronic inflammation as a state of “biological rotting” is because people incorrectly believe that chronic inflammation is something that can be reduced with medications or supplements, or by eating specific “so-called” anti-inflammatory foods, without otherwise addressing the underlying causes. The primary causes of biologic rotting are sedentary living, a lack of sleep, mental/emotional stressors, and a pro-inflammatory diet.

This new DeFlame book focuses on how a pro-inflammatory diet causes the body to rot. The primary pro-inflammatory culprit is the overconsumption of refined sugar, flour, and oil, which amounts to almost 60% of the calories for many people. The result is chronic inflammation, which increases with weight gain that leads to obesity and the manifestation of the pro-inflammatory metabolic syndrome, which causes joints, muscles, tendons, bones, spinal discs, and the nervous system to chronically rot and never heal.

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The Game Changers’ Brutal Lies | Health Promotion

More than likely you have heard about, or watched, a propaganda movie called The Game Changers. Many people have asked me about it and wanted my take on it. I reluctantly watched it because I figured it was just another propaganda hit piece on meat…and I was not surprised by the fact that it was absolutely a hit piece. What did take me a little by surprise were the brutal lies that were told. In this article, I will focus on two of the brutal lies, which should help you put the rest of the foolish movie into perspective.
If you did watch The Game Changers, you should remember the hamburger study, which was cited twice by James Wilks in a disingenuous fashion. First, he claimed that eating a single hamburger will increase inflammation by 70%. Second, he stated that eating a single hamburger will reduce blood flow by 27%.
The first thing that you should know is that the title of the burger article was shown for just a split second at 28:30 and is easily missed in the video if you were not interested in retrieving the article. I had to re-watch and pause it to actually see title of the article, which is:
Li Z, Wong A, Henning SM, et al. Hass avocado modulates postprandial vascular reactivity and postprandial inflammatory responses to a hamburger meal in health volunteers. Food Funct. 2013;4:384-91
Not only was the title of the article barely shown, Wilks also NEVER mentioned that avocados were included in the study. So, unless you decided to pause the movie and try to figure out the title of the article, you would never know that you were lied to.
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Breast Health Book | Pro-Inflammatory Diets and Supplements

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Unfortunately, most women actually pursue breast cancer expression without knowing it. The DeFlame Diet for Breast Health and Cancer Prevention outlines the common pro-inflammatory dietary factors that promote breast cancer, which should be eliminated from the diet, along with strategies for DeFlaming your body. A DeFlamed body is at less risk for developing all chronic diseases, including breast cancer.
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How your diet causes breast cancer | Pro-Inflammatory Diet

Most any woman with concerns about breast cancer has heard of the BReast CAncer gene, refered to as BRCA. Important to know is that only about 5% of all breast cancers is thought to be caused by a BRCA gene mutation. What about the other 95%?
BRCA is a breast cancer suppressor protein, so you should understand that the gene mutation is one that is associated with less BRCA activity. It turns out that the average American diet functions to inhibit the BRCA gene from working properly, which means that many women have what could be called a functional BRCA mutation.
A key substance that inhibits BRCA is called prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which comes from a dietary omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid. We get arachidonic acid directly in grain-fed animals, which includes, meat, chicken, and fish. The human body also makes arachidonic acid from linoleic acid, which is another dietary omega-6 fatty acid. Linoleic acid is found in the many omega-6 oils, including those from corn, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, peanuts, and soybeans. Approximately 20% of the average American diet come from omega-6 oil calories, such as deep fried foods and packaged foods. Another source are nuts that are roasted in these oils.
Our bodies convert the linoleic acid we eat into arachidonic acid, which then gets converted into prostaglandin E2. You should know that PGE2 has many functions, and without PGE2 we could not live. The problem is when we make too much PGE2, which is the case for the average American. We eat too much arachidonic acid in grain-fed meat, chicken, and fish, and we eat too much of the omega-6 oils, which leads to too much PGE2 in the body.
This video outlines several mechanisms by which a pro-inflammatory diet causes breast cancer. Watch this video carefully and commit to DeFlaming your diet. You can get all the details in this new book.

Watch Youtube Video : How your diet causes Breast Cancer

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Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know | Anti Inflammatory Diet Books

  Dieting is only one part of the weight management picture. Most important is learning about the obesogenic environment in which we all liv...