You Can Cure Eczema With Diet | Deflame Nutrition

Eczema is a very common condition in America; 7.2 % of adults have eczema, while 13% of children under the age of 18 suffer with this condition. In other words, multiple millions of adults and children suffer needlessly from eczema.

People are essentially told that they have to learn to live with eczema, which allows for no hope of ever becoming free of this condition. This can be quite a crushing thought for someone, particularly if they are young and have a bad case of eczema.

For anyone with eczema who feels a little hopeless and helpless, the image below should give you immediate hope. The pre and post images are from a woman aged 77, and the pictures were taken five months apart.

Corticosteroid creams are the most common treatment for “managing” eczema. A popular website (WebMD) explains that the goal of treatment is 4-fold (1):

1. Control the itch

2. Heal the skin

3. Prevent flares

4. Prevent infections

Read More : You can cure eczema with diet

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Bloody eczema and chronic pain GONE after anti-inflammatory diet

It is not uncommon for people to suffer with multiple pro-inflammatory conditions, which leads people to seek treatments for each condition. The best move for the average person is to "DeFlame" themselves to see if they can live a medication-free life.

About Deflame

 DeFlaming is about reducing inflammation. This is a very relevant lifestyle consideration as almost all chronic aches, pains, and diseases are caused by chronic inflammation. Not well known is that poor nutrition, a lack of sleep, a lack of exercise, and stress all lead to chronic inflammation and eventually, this leads to the expression of chronic disease.

The focus of is about how poor nutrition promotes chronic inflammation, which leads to aches, pains, depression, fatigue, general ill health, and chronic disease. To combat chronic inflammation consider acquiring The DeFlame Diet bookDeFlaming supplements from Anabolic Labs, and consider DeFlame Consulting. To the right are additional ways you can DeFlame your life.

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Advanced Health Promotion | DeFlame Programs

The Advanced Program includes the 4 supplements in the Basic Program, with three additional supplements (Probiotic Complete, Coenzyme Q10, and Pro-Enz).

The 4 supplements in the Basic Program:

1. Vitamin D (Ultra K2/D3 [$24.00])

2. Omega-3 fatty acids (Clinical Omega-3 [$23.00])

3. Magnesium (Clinical Magnesium [ $26.00])

4. Micronutrients (AVED-Multi Iron Free [$30.00])

The 3 additional supplements are :
  1. Probiotic Complete [$20.00] : It provides 4 strains of important probiotic bacteria that help to deflame the gastrointestinal system.
2. Coenzyme Q10 [100 mg 30 count $33.00] : It has three key functions: it acts as an antioxidant, it produces cellular energy, and it is important for skeletal muscle gene regulation.

3. Pro-Enz (anti-inflammatory botanical/spices) [30 count = $36.00] : It contains turmeric, ginger and other botanticals/spices, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and health-promoting benefits.

Read More : Advanced Deflame Program | Nutritional Supplements

Price : $192

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Basic Health Programs| Deflame Enterprise

The Basic Health Promotion program is designed to support a DeFlaming diet (Deflaming Guidelines). It is very difficult to consume adequate nutrients unless one has a near perfect diet, which very few people are able to do on a regular basis. The Basic program contains the nutrients that seem to be the most lacking in the average American’s diet:

1. Vitamin D (Ultra K2/D3 [$24.00])

2. Omega-3 fatty acids (Clinical Omega-3 [$23.00 - for 60 ct])

3. Magnesium (Clinical Magnesium [$26.00])

4. Micro-nutrients (AVED-Multi Iron Free [$30.00 for 60 ct])

Read More : Basic Deflame Program | Nutritional Supplements

Price : $103

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Osatate - Calcium Complex | Nutritional Supplements

Calcium is perhaps the most well known and most commonly taken supplements. MCH-Cal is a unique calcium supplement in that it is derived from whole bone and contains an organic and inorganic component. The organic component consists of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, peptides, and growth factors for bone. The inorganic component contains predominately calcium and phosphorus. Research suggests that MCHC is the best source for calcium to help maintain normal bone density.

Bone health requires the anti-inflammatory diet and additional supplements, such as vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Thus, it is best to take Osatate-Calcium Complex with either the Basic or Advanced Health Promotion supplement program.

Read More : Ostana- Calcium Complex | Nutritional Supplement

Price : $26

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Glucosamine/Chondrotin | Nutritional Supplements

Three capsules per day of Glucosamine/Chondroitin provides 1500 mg of glucosamine sulfate and 1200 mg of chrondroitin sulfate. We offer a one month supply (90 capsules) or a two month supply (180 capsules).

Glucosamine/Chrondroitin research

Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are sugar-like molecules that are found in joints and other connective tissues, such as tendons, cartilage, and spinal discs. Glucosamine/chondroitin supplements have anti-inflammatory properties and they are also the building blocks for larger joint molecules known as proteoglycans.

The function of proteoglycans is to help maintain appropriate joint space so that bones do not rub together. The chemical nature of proteoglycans is such that they imbibe or absorb water in a fashion that can be likened to a dry sponge that swells as water is imbibed. A healthy swelling pressure develops, called turgor, which allows for joints to withstand compressive forces.

Read More : Glucosamine For Inflammation | Nutritional Supplement

Price : $52

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Prostana | Nutritional Supplements

1 capsule taken twice per day provides all the botanicals that have been linked to prostate health. Such botanicals have been identified throughout the world in different cultures and they are provided in a single supplement.

Basic information

The botanicals/herbs in Prostana have a long history of use in various cultures. They were/are used most commonly to improve urinary tract symptoms caused by prostate hypertrophy/hyperplasia. That is, the prostate tends to enlarge as men age, which can lead to urinary tract symptoms.

Throughout the world, cultures have learned to use herbs as tonics, and these differed depending on the region. In the context of prostate health, multiple botanicals have been used and they are included in Prostana.

The fact that various botanicals demonstrate clinical benefits in prostate health for the inflamed modern man is strong support for their use. However, we should not forget that botanicals/herbs were historically taken by active native people who ate properly – the people were not sedentary, spending most of their time indoors, and they were NOT chronically inflamed by pizza, fast food, and desserts – this is a hint for us in modern societies. If we want botanicals to be most helpful, we need to adopt an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

Read More : Prostana | Anti Inflammatory Supplements

Price : $32

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Natural Iodine | Nutritional Supplements

Kelp is naturally a rich source of nutrients, especially iodine. A healthy thyroid requires iodine to function properly. It utilizes iodine to manufacture the hormone thyroxine which supports metabolism. Our kelp supplement provides a vegetarian source of iodine. Current research also show iodine’s benefit for breast health.

In the United States the average intake of iodine is estimated to be 166-209 mcg/day, while in Japan 5280 mcg is ingested on a daily basis (1,2). More recently, it was estimated that Japanese take in 1000-3000 mcg/day (3). There is no known toxicity among Japanese with this supposedly “high” level of intake, and it appears to render Japanese women more resistant to breast cancer and fibrocystic disease expression (1). It appears that a supposedly “high” level of iodine is quite healthy:

"Japanese iodine intake from seaweed is linked to health benefits not seen in cultures with dissimilar diets. Knowing how much iodine the Japanese consume daily is beneficial for people who wish to consume equivalent amounts of iodine or seaweed supplements while avoiding excessive amounts that may adversely affect health” (3).

Read More : Ntural Iodine | Anti Inflammatory Supplements

Price : $7

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Pro-Enz | Nutritional Supplements

Pro-Enz is an anti-inflammatory botanical supplement that contains ginger, turmeric, boswellia, rosemary, lemon bioflavonoids, and bromelain. The typical suggested amount is two to four tablets daily.

If you were to close your eyes and be served an Italian, Greek, Indian, Hispanic, or Asian meal, you would likely know immediately that it was not an American dish. You would probably come close to guessing the appropriate ethnicity of the meal because each food has a unique flavor. The use of different spices give ethnic foods their unique flavor, and it turns out that scientists have discovered that most of the spices offer significant anti-inflammatory benefits.

For example, ginger, which is used in many cultures, offers profound anti-inflammatory activity. Some individuals taking supplemental ginger have been able to stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as their muscular pain and osteoarthritis were significantly relieved

Read More : Pro Enz | Anti Inflamamtory Supplements

Price : $36

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Coenzyme Q10 | DeFlaming supplements

Dr. Anthony Linnane explains that coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) functions as 1) a driver of ATP synthesis (body energy production), 2) a powerful antioxidant, and 3) a key regulator of skeletal muscle gene expression, which means that the health and longevity of our skeletal muscles is influenced by CoQ10 levels (1).

Linnane alerts us to the fact that CoQ10 supplementation may be useful in conditions related to reduce energy production and increased free radical production, such as congestive heart failure, muscular dystrophy, chronic fatigue syndrome, breast cancer, primary biliary cirrhosis, migraine headaches, and Parkinson’s disease (2). In a double-blind trial using 300 mg of CoQ10 versus placebo, CoQ10 supplementation significantly reduced migraine headache frequency (3), and taking up to 1200 mg per day slowed the development of Parkinson’s disease (4).

Dr. Frederick Crane is the researcher who discovered CoQ10 and he states that, by supplementing with at least 100 mg per day we can double our blood levels of CoQ10, which is thought to be helpful in protecting against disease expression (5).

Read More : Nutritional Supplements

Price : $33
Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Probiotic Complete | Nutritional Supplements

Probiotics are bacteria supplements that are taken to improve gut health. A popular misconception is that probiotics are supposed to permanently colonize in the intestine. Rather, they exert their effects as they pass through the intestinal tract and appear to have three functional areas (1):

1. We have more bacteria in the gastrointestinal (GI) than human cells throughout our entire body. Probiotic supplements help maintain the balance in favor of healthy gut bacteria. They reduce gut pH and release antibacterial products called bacteriocins. Probiotics may also influence gene expression in pathogenic bacteria and thereby reduce their virulence. Additionally, probiotics can transiently bind to epithelial cells and prevent binding of pathogenic bacteria and their growth.

2. Probiotics stimulate the internal cells of the GI tract to produce mucin and defensins. Mucin serves as an antibacterial shield that prevents the binding of pathogenic bacteria, while defensins are antibacterial proteins. Probiotics also strengthen the bond between internal cells of the GI tract to prevent the absorption of bacteria and allergens.

3. Probiotics influence the immune cells in the wall of the GI tract. They reduce immune release of pro-inflammatory chemicals and stimulate immune cell release of anti-inflammatory chemicals.

Read More : Probiotic Complete

Price : $20

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Clinical Vitamin D | Nutritional Supplements

Clinical Vitamin D3 contains 60 microtabs of cholecalciferol at a dose of 5000 IU. Taking 1 tab every 2 days would provide the equivalent of 2500 IU per day for 120 days. Taking 1 tab per day is a two month supply at 5000 IU per day. If more vitamin D is needed, 2 tabs per day provide 10,000 IU, which may seem like a lot; however, to put this amount into perspective, 10,000 IU is the same as 1/4 of a milligram and people take 100s of milligrams of vitamin each day.

Vitamin D research

For many years, most people have heard that vitamin D supplementation is dangerous. I grew up thinking this and was even lead to believe this notion in many nutrition books. We now know this view to be erroneous. In fact, it is likely that many of us are deficient in vitamin D, and this is thought to be related to the expression of many conditions, such as low back pain, epilepsy, cancer, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, chronic aches and pains, type I diabetes, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, hypertension, syndrome X and depression (1,2).

Read more : Clinical Vitam D | Anti Inflammatory Supplements

Price : $15

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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Ultra K2/D3 | DeFlaming Supplements

Ultra K2/D3 | DeFlaming Supplements

Ultra K2-D3 provides 80 mcg of vitamin K2 and 2000 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) per tablet (60 tabs per bottle). Vitamin K2 is involved in calcium metabolism by promoting bone density and by inhibiting calcium accumulation in blood vessels. Vitamin D3 is involved in the regulation of some 1000 genes, including those involved in bone and cardiovascular function.
Ultra K2-D3 is a cinnamon flavored tablet and can be chewed or swallowed. If 2 tablets are taken each day, this delivers 160 mcg of K2 and 4000 IU of vitamin D3, which is thought to be a physiologic dose.
Vitamin K2 research
There are two types of vitamin K, those being K1 and K2. Phylloquinone is vitamin K1, which is found in green leafy vegetables, and its primary function is to promote blood clotting. Coumadin “thins the blood” by antagonizing the action of vitamin K.
Menaquinone is vitamin K2 and there are multiple varieties, which are designated as MK-4 to MK-14.
Price : $24
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Weight Loss Secrets You Need To Know | Anti Inflammatory Diet Books

  Dieting is only one part of the weight management picture. Most important is learning about the obesogenic environment in which we all liv...