Clinical Omega-3 | Nutritional Supplements | Health Promotion

Molecularly distilled, concentrated EPA/DHA fish oil sourced from cold water Norwegian fish. A 1200 mg fish oil softgel containing 360 mg EPA and 240 mg DHA. Also includes a natural mix of tocopherols for additional antioxidant protection and orange oil for a pleasant flavor. Molecular distillation process ensures that no pesticides, PCBs or heavy metals are present.

Benefits of taking Clinical Omega 3 EPA/DHA

EPA/DHA are acronyms for eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, respectively. Whenever an animal eats vegetation/foliage, the body converts alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) into EPA and DHA. Most people have heard or read about omega-3 fatty acids; ALA, EPA, and DHA are the famous omega-3s (n-3 and n-6 are the abbreviation for omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, respectively). Fresh wild fish are the best sources of omega-3s and most supermarkets brands will indicate on the label if they are wild caught or farmed - best sources of omega-3s are wild caught.
Dr. Artemis Simopoulos is probably the most well known researcher in the field of omega-3 fatty acids. One of her excellent review articles is available (2), and it should be read to gain a great depth of information. At the bottom of this page you will notice that the two papers referenced on this page are available as free full texts from the publishers.

We typically think of eating n-6 and n-3 fatty acids in the context of their ratio within a given food. The general goal is to eat a diet that leads to an overall ratio that is below 4:1. The "ideal" goal is to eat a 1:1 ratio of n-6:n-3 fatty acids. We can approach this ratio by eating in the fashion discussed in The DeFlame Diet. Here are lists of foods with Anti-inflammatory and Pro-inflammatory ratios (3-5).

Get More Detail : Clinical Omega-3 | Nutritional Supplements 

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