Impulse Control: For Overeating And Other Vices

Overeating is the primary impulse control issue from which people suffer. A huge 70% or more of the adult US population is either overweight or obese.

This video briefly outlines how our brain is wired to drive us to seek pleasure, such as overeating. If we do not gain control over the pleasure seeking system of our brain, then the likely outcome is obesity and all the problems that go along with it.

To over come eating and other vices, we need to understand the nature of the pleasure-seeking system that is hard-wired into the human nervous system. Watch this video and read the blog to know about the pathway in the human brain so you can picture it in your mind when the impulse to eat kicks in. Read the blog here ”Impulse Control: For overeating and other vices

Dr. David R. Seaman
Owner at DeFlame Enterprises

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