Pro-Enz | Nutritional Supplements

Pro-Enz is an anti-inflammatory botanical supplement that contains ginger, turmeric, boswellia, rosemary, lemon bioflavonoids, and bromelain. The typical suggested amount is two to four tablets daily.

If you were to close your eyes and be served an Italian, Greek, Indian, Hispanic, or Asian meal, you would likely know immediately that it was not an American dish. You would probably come close to guessing the appropriate ethnicity of the meal because each food has a unique flavor. The use of different spices give ethnic foods their unique flavor, and it turns out that scientists have discovered that most of the spices offer significant anti-inflammatory benefits.

For example, ginger, which is used in many cultures, offers profound anti-inflammatory activity. Some individuals taking supplemental ginger have been able to stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as their muscular pain and osteoarthritis were significantly relieved

Read More : Pro Enz | Anti Inflamamtory Supplements

Price : $36

Website : DeFlame Enterprise | DeFlaming Supplements

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